
Certified & Approved

Before being purchased, many diamonds are sent to a third party laboratory for comprehensive evaluation; this process is known in the industry as diamond certification. A respectable laboratory is one staffed by professional gemmologists who specialise in diamond grading. The diamond’s clarity, colour, cut and weight are measured using a jeweller’s loupe, microscope and other industry tools.

Each diamond certificate issued has a unique number and corresponds to one individual diamond. Some diamonds have the certificate number laser inscribed on the girdle of the diamond (only visible under magnification to a trained eye). This ensures and allows the consumer to be 100% confident that the diamond they are viewing matches the certificate. From that point onwards, the diamond and certificate (laminated to prevent damage and tampering) will travel together.

Laboratory certification provides an impartial judgement of the quality and characteristics of each diamond. The certificate (called a grading report or dossier) gives the purchaser added confidence that the diamond received is as described by the seller. The certificate is also valuable for insurance purposes, as it provides a professional and independent evaluation of the diamond.

It must be understood that a diamond certificate is not a valuation or appraisal. A valuation or appraisal will establish the value on an item (usually for insurance purposes).  A diamond certificate does not assess the diamonds market value, only its characteristics and quality. However a diamond certificate from a reputable laboratory is very helpful to produce an accurate valuation or appraisal.